We have three major activities. All of these are running by the volunteers who have experienced pet loss themselves. We are very proud of the free offer of help.

1. Meeting

The owners who have lost their companion animal gather and talk about their grief. We provide the meeting once every three months. Each meeting has about 10-15 participants.

2. Pet loss hotline

The volunteers listen to the people’s grief for losing their beloved animals on the phone. The line is open once a week for 3 hours on Saturday afternoon. We have received 1762 calls by July 6th 2024. All the volunteers have studied from textbook “When a Pet Dies” published by Society for Companion Animal Studies. We are very grateful to sharing of their knowledge and experience.

Society for Companion Animal Studies http://www.scas.org.uk/

3. Simulated patient activity in veterinary medicine education

We offer veterinary students the opportunities to practice medical interviews by using simulated patients. 8 volunteers are working for PLM on the regular basis. And about 30 other members help working on simulated patients activities in veterinary university.
Unfortunately all of our support are only Japanese.
If you are looking for support in English, you can access Blue Cross – Pet Bereavement Support Service(UK)

Pet Bereavement Support Service https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-bereavement-and-pet-loss